'Low glycaemic was as basis feed (enough hay) For Horses With this metabolism disorders or "Wealth of disease. It was considered, factors into consideration:
Energy content without any Rückgriff on cereals thickness/Sugar (carbohydrates)
Sensible balance of vital ingredients in missing whole grain cereals components
General digestive harmonisierende concept as the basis for the long-term health
It'll be realised by:
Energy carriers with minimum thickness: Jam/Sugar proportion of plant oil (< 10% of the Gesamtration): Natives, oilseeds, Fermentierbare Beet Fiber, No grain
Organic Bound vitamins from vegetable oils, rice bran (shaft.) And oilseeds (including Omega-3 fatty acids) And Additives on bullet vital substances in of cereals
General digestive harmonisierende and enhanced healthy intestinal flora components (Fermentierbare Beet fibre, Probiotisch looking Brewer's Yeast, Linseed Oil and Flax Seeds)
'If even the specific causes of EMS and ECS in the end are not final issue, so but is noticeable mainly Leichtfüttrige Horses - usually under robust Assen the well-known symptoms show. This puts the Vermutung close to that this is similar to the people is a typical "prosperity . The Auslösenden metabolism interference in the field of carbohydrate recycling and insulin Insuffizienzen will cause the described symptoms and require an appropriate food adjustment
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