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TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX - Stops and Prevents Box Blight - 200g for 100m2

Price comparison product image TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX - Stops and Prevents Box Blight - 200g for 100m2
STOPS AND PREVENTS BOX BLIGHT - TOPBUXUS HEALTH-MIX is a foliar treatment that helps your Boxwood recover from Box blight and increases its resistance to disease.
PROFESSIONAL DOSAGE the tub contains 10 individually packed effervescent tablets, each tablet suffices for 10m2 of Boxwood. Simply put 1 tablet in 1 Litre of water, allow 10 minutes for the tablet to dissolve itself, then apply to Boxwood by using a pressure sprayer.
TOPBUXUS Health-Mix is a leaf fertilizer on a natural base
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