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Maltbys' Stores 1904 Limited 500g CANARY SEED MIXED CAGE BIRD FOOD

by Maltbys' Stores 1904 Limited
Price comparison product image Maltbys' Stores 1904 Limited 500g CANARY SEED MIXED CAGE BIRD FOOD
Maltbys' Stores 1904 Limited
Mixed Canary Seed is packed full of natural nutrition to help keep your Canary in peak condition! When you serve up our special seed mix, you're serving the healthiest diet a Canary could wish for
Ingredients: canary seed, black rapeseed, linseed, niger seed, hempseed, yellow cereal biscuit. Additive (in the biscuit only): colourant.
At Maltbys Stores 1904 Limited we specialise in cage bird foods and supplies. We pride ourselves on selling top quality products all year round. Please search for Maltbys Stores 1904 Limited to see the rest of our extensive range.
As one of the biggest sellers in the British cage bird food market we on average get a fresh delivery every 3 weeks on all our best selling lines. So you are always buying off us the freshest possible products.
Sold by Maltbys Stores 1904 Limited a trusted UK BRAND serving the British wild bird, pet
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