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Copdock Mill Wheat Free Wild Bird Seed 3.8kg / 5 Litre Tub Deters Pigeons All Year-Round Bird Food Bird Seed for Small Garden Birds 100% Natural

by Copdock Mill
Price comparison product image Copdock Mill Wheat Free Wild Bird Seed 3.8kg / 5 Litre Tub Deters Pigeons All Year-Round Bird Food Bird Seed for Small Garden Birds 100% Natural
Copdock Mill
BIRD SEED FOR SMALL GARDEN BIRDS a fine seed mix to attract smaller birds. Ingredients include white and red millet, canary seed, safflower, linseed, sunflower hearts, cut peas and more!
DETERS PIGEONS remove the pest with our wild bird seed formulated without wheat to deter pigeons and doves from feeders and increase the number of smaller birds in your garden
HOW TO USE ideal for use with bird seed feeders and on table tops. Simply add the bird food to your feeder and hang out for the wild birds to enjoy all year round!
BIRDS YOU WILL ATTRACT our wheat free wild bird food will attract Robins, Blackbirds, Tits, Finches, Sparrows
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