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LED Diodes Transistor Electrolytic Capacitors Resistors Kit Electronic Components Assortment

Price comparison product image LED Diodes Transistor Electrolytic Capacitors Resistors Kit Electronic Components Assortment
ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS KIT INCLUDING---The electronic components kit includes 100 × LEDs, 600 × Resistors, 120 × Electrolytic Capacitors, 300 × Ceramic Capacitors, 100 × Diodes, 170 × Transistors, totally 1390 pcs, meeting your basic needs
ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS KIT INCLUDING---The electronic components kit includes 100 × LEDs, 600 × Resistors, 120 × Electrolytic Capacitors, 300 × Ceramic Capacitors, 100 × Diodes, 170 × Transistors, totally 1390 pcs, meeting your basic needs
HIGH PRECISION & STABILITY---The capacitor is of high precision and stability, if you work with electronics or need to stock your shop, this is a very good component kit to have
FOR PROFESSIONALS OR ENTHUSIASTS---The electronic components kit is a great assortment of components for both electronic professionals and enthusiasts
CONVENIENT STORAGE---The transistors rectifier diodes assortment set is well packed, sorted by type, assorted in small bags for convenient storage
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