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Hyuduo Screen Protector, PC Light Curing Protective Cover, 165 x 105mm, Screen Pad

by Hyuduo
Price comparison product image Hyuduo Screen Protector,  PC Light Curing Protective Cover,  165 x 105mm,  Screen Pad
Light Curing PC Protect Cover can protect the display to protect resin from leaking from the edge of the screen and before the printer body.
This light curing PC protect cover prevents dustand scratches on the display screen.
Screen Protector is durable and has antiresin properties to protect tearing and abrasion, while maintaining very soft properties.
Screen Protector is compatible with Wanhao D7, for Anycubic Photon and for PhotonS. Important accessories for printer.
The light curing PC protect cover is made of PC material, safe and ecofriendly
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