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FLIR ETS320 - Thermal Imaging Camera Solution - Targeted for PCB's and electronic devices in the lab

Price comparison product image FLIR ETS320 - Thermal Imaging Camera Solution - Targeted for PCB's and electronic devices in the lab
320 x 240 IR sensor offers more than 76K non-contact points of temperature measurement, eliminates guesswork by pinpointing hot spots and potential points of failure.
Sensitive enough to detect temperature differences smaller than 0.06°C, for fast identification of faults and thermal gradients.
Measurement accuracy of 2°C aids in attaining quality assurance and factory acceptance of printed circuit boards.
Ergonomically designed for lab electronics measurement, the ETS320 is battery powered, Wireless, and hands free.
With complete measurement and analysis on the camera, the ETS320 measures small components down to 150 µm per pixel spot size
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