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Sony A7 and A7R: Beginner's Guide

by Createspace
Price comparison product image Sony A7 and A7R: Beginner's Guide
Among the Alpha line of cameras from Sony are the A7 and the A7R models. Both models are full-frame mirror-less cameras that were introduced to the market in 2014.The physical characteristics of both devices are comparable; both offering sound outer coating to enable durability for users. The A7 model features a contrast auto focus capabilities, electronic front-shutter curtain with a unique quiet shutter mode, 1/250 flash sync speed, burst rates as fast as 5fps and a 24.3MP CMOS sensor. The A7R camera is the more expensive of the two models and is able to boast a high resolution 36.4 MP imaging sensor. The sensor is equipped with gap-less micro lens. Other features of the A7R are burst speeds of 4fps
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