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Moleskine Cahier Journal, Set 3 Notebooks with Plain Pages, Cardboard Cover with Visible Cotton Stiching, Colour Myrtle Green, Extra Large 19 x 25 cm

by Moleskine
Price comparison product image Moleskine Cahier Journal,  Set 3 Notebooks with Plain Pages,  Cardboard Cover with Visible Cotton Stiching,  Colour Myrtle Green,  Extra Large 19 x 25 cm
The Myrtle Green notebook is a diary with a sturdy cover that makes it flexible and customisable; cardboard and stitching on the back
Suitable for taking notes at work or during class or for unleashing your creativity with pencils and colours
The acid-free, ivory-Coloured paper is delicately calibrated to meet the various creative needs and adapt to all your writing and art needs
Notepad with cover with coloured cardboard
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