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Price comparison product image Pack of 100 Notched Silver Wire Coat Hangers for Home Use,  Dry Cleaning

Pack of 100 Notched Silver Wire Coat Hangers for Home Use, Dry Cleaning

by Skippys
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Last refresh Jul/27/2024 11:02 AM
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100 Galvanised Wire Hangers - with Notches - for Domestic Use, Dry Cleaning, Retail Notched
Wire hanger, wire thickness: approx. 2.3 mm - with shoulder notches for straps and loops.
Width: approx. 41 cm. Wire thickness: approx. 2.3mm Rounded hook ends.
Also available in smaller quantities and in bronze and white finish and with notches.
Ideal for shirts, t-shirts, blouses, trousers, skirts, etc.

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