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Price comparison product image Deuba Sensor Garbage Can Automatic Garbage Can LED Display Rubish Bin Contactless Motion Sensor Waterproof

Deuba Sensor Garbage Can Automatic Garbage Can LED Display Rubish Bin Contactless Motion Sensor Waterproof

by Deuba
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Last refresh Sep/18/2022 06:55 PM
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SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: The Monzana rubbish bin convinces you above all because of its automatic opening and closing function, which reacts when you approach it and opens without reassurance. After 5 seconds the lid closes automatically without you having to operate anything.
LED FUNCTIONAL DISPLAY: The trash can is equipped with an LED display and is therefore very easy to see even in the dark. In addition, the sensor of the garbage can is waterproof, so that wet cleaning works without any problems.
UNCOMPLICATED: The lid of the waste bin is easy to remove and can be cleaned quickly and easily. In addition, the lid has an on and off switch, which means you can open and close it manually.
HIGH QUALITY: The garbage can is made of robust materials, the container is provided with a 3-layer metal casing. The locking joint is also reinforced and supports the durability of the locking mechanism. Thus, high quality workmanship and timeless design are combined.
PRACTICAL: To ensure that the bin liner sits optimally and securely, the bin is equipped with a clamping ring and is suitable for standard bin bags. Another highlight is the anti-slip ring attached to the floor

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