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Price comparison product image Kaiterra Laser Egg 2 Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor,  Measures Fine Dust (PM2.5),  Temperature,  Humidity,  WiFi Enabled

Kaiterra Laser Egg 2 Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor, Measures Fine Dust (PM2.5), Temperature, Humidity, WiFi Enabled

by Kaiterra
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Last refresh Mar/04/2019 01:44 PM
(Sponsored, paid link)
Many everyday factors - like outdoor toxins, cleaning, furniture, carpet, and smoke - pollute our indoor space. It's hard to know if you're breathing safe air when you can't see what you're breathing. With the Laser Egg 2, there is no more doubt over what is in your air. The Laser Egg 2 is equipped with high accuracy and high precision sensors to instantly detect airborne particles and deliver easy to read readings. Identify pollution sources so that you can take the necessary steps to protect you and your family. The Laser Egg 2 lets you take control of your air - anytime

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