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Price comparison product image Universal Multi-frequency Remote Control Copier / Duplicator Replacement for Fixed and Rolling Code AM e FM Remote Controls with Frequency from 300 to 868 MHz

Universal Multi-frequency Remote Control Copier / Duplicator Replacement for Fixed and Rolling Code AM e FM Remote Controls with Frequency from 300 to 868 MHz

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Last refresh Feb/12/2019 04:44 PM
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Universal quartz remote control copier/ duplicator, 26.995Mhz frequency in 5 different colours. Unique, inimitable, technical specifications that make it superior to other products. Soft touch, highest quality and strength mould, with quartz casing that ensures stability and durability. After having chosen, tried, and touched it, you'll never want to put it down. Various colour combinations make this product exceptional an unique. An accessory to choose from. To show. To share. Each colour can mean many things. Simply choose your favourite one. The remote control duplicator comes complete with quartz in chosen frequency, assembled and calibrated, complete with batteries. To activate it

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