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Price comparison product image Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 75V 10 amp 12 / 24-Volt Solar Charge Controller (Bluetooth)

Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 75V 10 amp 12 / 24-Volt Solar Charge Controller (Bluetooth)

by Victron Energy
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Last refresh May/10/2024 09:28 AM
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Victron Energy
Are you ready to take your solar energy game to the next level Using a multi-stage, adaptive charging algorithm, the Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 75-Volt 10 amp is the ultimate solar charger for your batteries.
With the latest and fastest technology, this charge controller maximizes energy-harvest from your solar panels, intelligently driving it to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time. It even has the power to recharge severely depleted batteries from 0 volts.
Easily program the charger for any battery type using 'presets' for common battery types or by creating your own 100% customized settings.
Connectivity - with the built-in Bluetooth feature, you can wirelessly monitor and control your MPPT with the Victron Connect app. Or, connect to a GX device with a VE.Direct cable (sold separately) and monitor from anywhere in the world using VRM!
The intelligent Load output function is a game-changer, preventing damage caused by running batteries 'flat.' You can configure the voltage at which the SmartSolar disconnects a load

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